EU Blue Card German law changes from November 2023

EU Blue Card Changes from 18 November 2023

We would like to report to you about the changes in the German law on the EU Blue Card. These changes will apply from November 18, 2023 and will bring many benefits to the foreigner and his family. This makes applying for the EU Blue Card even more attractive.

The EU Blue Card is already the most important residence title for skilled workers. This is because one third of the residence permits for gainful employment are issued as EU Blue Cards.

If you want to have general information about the EU Blue Card first, please watch our video from March 2023.

Now to the most important innovations:

1. significant reduction of salary limits by 17%:

Up to now, the minimum salary has been 2/3 of the general income threshold for pension insurance contributions. As of November, the minimum salary is to be calculated at 50% only.
This results, for example, in a reduction from €4,866 gross to €3,650 per month in 2023.
For so-called shortage occupations, the salary threshold is lowered from 52% to 45.3%.

2. expansion of the shortage occupations

Previously, the reduced minimum salary applied only to occupational groups in mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology, as well as physicians.
Now this lower salary threshold also applies to managers in various manufacturing and service sectors, health care, and teachers.
The lower salary threshold also applies to any entry-level academic professional, even if they are not in a shortage occupation. A newcomer to the profession is someone who has obtained his or her university degree within three years prior to applying for the Blue Card.

3. expansion of qualifications

Until now, the Blue Card was only possible with a university degree.
Now the completion of so-called “tertiary education programs” is also included. These are, for example, master craftsmen’s apprenticeships, specialized tradesmen, or comparable qualifications, even if these were acquired abroad.
For IT specialists with professional experience, a university degree is no longer required. Here, the proof of qualification is shifted to work experience.

4. facilitating the change of job

Permission from the foreigners authority is no longer required to change jobs.
However, during the first 12 months of employment, the foreigner must notify the Foreigners’ Registration Office that he or she is changing jobs. Within 30 days, the immigration authority can object to the change if the requirements for the EU Blue Card are no longer met.
Attention: If you fail to notify the Aliens Department about the change of job, the Aliens Department may revoke the Blue Card and also the residence permits of the family members.

5. further changes

The employment offer must be at least 6 months at the beginning.
The livelihood is considered to be secured, an individual examination of rental costs etc. is not required.
The settlement permit with language skills of level A1 is possible after 27 months instead of 33 months as before. The waiting period of 21 months for B1 level language skills remains unchanged.
Non-employment fiction in the case of short-term EU mobility with an EU Blue Card: anyone holding an EU Blue Card from another EU member state can work in Germany for up to 90 days within 180. Permission from the foreigners authority is not required.

Please note that despite great care, we cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information.
This article is also not suitable to replace an individual consultation.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. I would be pleased to welcome you here again soon, your lawyer Simon Sonnenberg